1. Madison says:

    Great tips! I’m so guilty of the multi-tasking part and not getting anything done!!

  2. Donna says:

    So helpful for those not used to working from home! I second having a dedicated eor space, setting hours, and taking breaks. So important!

  3. Sunshine Lump says:

    Great advice! I definitely need to keep set hours and work on a focused to-do list.

    • Lydia Gillis says:

      Thanks! I’m glad you found this helpful! I know for me once I had my to-do list and set hours, I found myself being more productive.

  4. Shea McGrath says:

    These are all great tips!! I struggle with getting ready for the day – I think it would really help and make me feel/be more productive! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Anna Bruce says:

    Yes!!! I definitely get dressed, it gets you in the right mindset to work. Great tips!

  6. Heather says:

    This was so helpful, I’m new to working from home world- and the first few days, I was in my yoga pants… I’ve since changed to getting dressed – it really helps with productivity!

  7. Emmy says:

    I love this. Such a good helpful to remember to get dressed. That struggle is real! haha.

  8. This week has been tough on a productivity level. Thanks for the reminders!

  9. Amy says:

    Love these tips! I really need to set up a workspace, that would definitely help me stay organized.

  10. rachel says:

    I needed this today! Getting up and SHOWERING is my biggest productivity tip some days!

  11. Tania says:

    This is super helpful thank you for sharing 🙂

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