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Reiki Master | Michelle Shinagawa

April 8, 2020

Today on the blog we are featuring Michelle Shinagawa. Michelle is a Reiki Master and Teacher, a certified aromatherapist and spiritual counselor. She is the founder and owner of Purple Fish Healing where she holds her private practice. In her private sessions, she includes spiritual counseling, aromatherapy, crystal healing and other healing techniques that best fit her clients’ needs.

I love stories. What’s your story?

I grew up in the mountains near a healing shrine that has the 3rd largest Buddha in Japan. People from all over would come here to seek healing. I moved to the states as a super shy girl who did not speak English nor understand American culture. I started practicing Reiki for my dog’s arthritis but realized it helped me to release my mental chatter and help ground me. I was able to connect to myself more deeply. Currently, I am a Reiki Master/Teacher, a certified KonMari consultant, Chakra Therapist, and Spiritual Counselor, and am certified in many other healing modalities as well. Even though I started learning all these healing methods for myself, I soon realized if it helped me the little-awkward-shy-girl who was worried all the time, I could help other people discover this gift too. I also used to be very messy and had a lot of attachment to material stuff, but the KonMari method changed my life. I have become a certified KonMari consultant to help other people live a life that sparks joy. Because I studied extensively with many Eastern and Western instructors, I can bring in a unique combination of various techniques and philosophies into my workshops, private healing, and KonMari sessions.

Tell me about your business?

I help people release anxiety and stress so they can live a life that sparks joy and be in touch with their true selves. I love guiding people through the process of freeing themselves from cultural conditioning and discovering their gifts so they can shine. It is my joy to teach them how to turn their challenges into gifts. I use whatever techniques best fit my students/clients’ needs to help them release their negative beliefs and shine their true selves, whether that is; Reiki, Japanese energy healing techniques, spiritual teachings, the KonMari organizing method, communication tools, or any number of other healing modalities.

Following your gut or intuition is essential, even if it seems crazy.

Why did you become an entrepreneur?

I discovered that I can help people be the best version of themselves with healing sessions, Reiki classes, and KonMari organizing sessions. I noticed that clients leave sessions happy, releasing things that they were not able to let go of all their lives. My Reiki students are empowered to find their life purpose or pursue their passion and get out of their limiting beliefs. My KonMari clients are able to, not only have a home that sparks joy but also have a lifestyle that sparks joy that was unimaginable before the KonMari sessions. I did not decide to become an entrepreneur. When I pursued my calling I became an entrepreneur.

Who is your ideal client?

My ideal clients are successful women who are thriving in their businesses and careers but dealing with stress or feeling lost and need help sparking joy in their life or finding their true selves.

As an entrepreneur, we face a lot of challenges, what has been your biggest challenge?

I used to be very shy and had so much anxiety, especially speaking in front of people. Since English is not my first language, I had to overcome a tall hurdle to be able to pursue being a Reiki teacher. Now I can speak in front of large audiences with charisma. I have people coming to me asking advice on how to speak in a way that touches peoples’ hearts like me. A large percentage of my clients are successful women with stress and anxiety, and because I overcame the exact problem, I know how to help them.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in your business?

Clients/students keep telling me the difference my services have made in their lives. Clients/students who cannot stop talking about the experience they had from their sessions or classes truly feeds my soul. I have so many clients/students whose lives have turned around so quickly, like healing past trauma, relationship issues, physical problems, finding dream jobs/relationships/home, etc. Every time they tell me about it, I am so honored to be a supporting part of their journey.

What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself as an entrepreneur?

Following your gut or intuition is essential, even if it seems crazy. As an entrepreneur, we often need to make tough decisions or take risks. I have learned to tune in to myself for the answers instead of asking others. It always guides me to a miraculous result.

What advice would you give someone who just started or wants to become an entrepreneur?

Believe in yourself and also surround yourself with people who believe in you. I have been fortunate enough to have family and friends who are very supportive of whatever I decide to do. Especially if you are solopreneur, it’s vital to have people who support you unconditionally and pick you up when you are down.

Share one fun fact about yourself?

I am such a geek I am always learning something new at workshops or certification courses. If I am not helping my clients, you will most likely find me on the front row of some seminar somewhere in the world.

What’s your favorite quote?

It’s not exactly a quote, but it’s a Reiki precept. This precept is a spiritual teaching that the founder of Reiki left for us. It helps me feel centered and grounded.

Just for today don’t anger
Don’t worry
Be grateful
Work diligently
Be compassionate and kind
~Master Mikao Usui

How can my readers connect with you?

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LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based and Destination Wedding Photographer, Seniors and Personal Branding Photographer.


comments +

  1. Donna says:

    What a great story! So awesome to share these talents with others who can benefit!

  2. Sunshine Lump says:

    I love her story! These are great photos too!

  3. Jolie Rodriguez says:

    I just love your series! Your pictures compliment their stories perfectly. Beautiful and inspiring!

  4. Corey says:

    “I did not decide to become an entrepreneur. When I pursued my calling I became an entrepreneur.” What an incredible statement! What a cool way to feature and showcase her expertise and talent

  5. Heather says:

    This series is so great! I love that you included Reiki – while you don’t think of it when you are being healed by Reiki, it is a business just like any other!

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