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Helping Children with ADHD | Mrs. Mady

April 14, 2020

After 15 years in a classroom, this teacher now coaches moms 1-1 with structured behavior plans that help children with ADHD that struggle in school. She has created a service plan to turn the struggling student into a star student. A tailored game plan that would fix all the learning gaps the child has and eradicate all learning problems associated with the child’s readiness to learn.

Learn more about Mrs. Mady from Tailored for Kids as she shares her story as an entrepreneur.

Thanks, Mady for being part of the 52 Women Entrepreneur Blog Series.

I love stories. What’s your story?

I was a teacher for 15 years and my favorite thing about the classroom was working 1-1 with my students that had ADHD. There was something about empowering them when everyone else around them was so critical that it gave me unmeasurable joy. I have ADHD and I remember all the struggles I had when I was growing up. The criticism and demand to be like everyone else were especially harmful to my inner self-talk. After much consideration, I decided to leave the classroom and pursue helping children that had ADHD full time and empowering their moms to help them navigate through this school-age time which can be so difficult for so many children with ADHD.

Tell me about your business?

I am currently coaching moms 1-1 with structured behavior plans and coaching so that their home is chaos-free. And I also help children locally who have ADHD by giving them the tools they need to stay focused in school and also perform alongside their peers. I do this by fixing any gaps they may have due to their inattentiveness.

Why did you become an entrepreneur?

I became an entrepreneur when I started to feel stuck in the classroom. I didn’t want to stay working where I couldn’t move past a certain level. I was feeling burnt out and stressed out because I wanted to do more. So I took my talents and turned them into a business.

Who is your ideal client?

A frustrated mom who doesn’t understand why her child with ADHD acts the way they do. Who is frustrated because her child doesn’t listen to her, forgets their HW at school? Who can’t enforce chores at home because their child is defiant? This is a mom who either doesn’t want to medicate their child or has medicated them but realizes she needs to do more than just medicine. She is ages 30-40, who either works or can be a stay at home mom.

As an entrepreneur, we face a lot of challenges, what has been your biggest challenge?

growth and managing my time. Getting myself on a routine and sticking to it. It’s probably because of my ADHD, but it’s still something I can control and I have to be more disciplined about it. It’s hard-working so much and not earning as much as you would hope. At least at first.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in your business?

Building a very engaged and loyal tribe on social media.

What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself as an entrepreneur?

I have to schedule myself and I have to say no. I am too much of a people pleaser and I need to learn to say NO!

What advice would you give someone who just started or wants to become an entrepreneur?

Don’t give up. You will fail. Take if from a “perfectionist”, aiming for perfection is a form of procrastination. Just keep going knowing you will fail.

Share one fun fact about yourself?

I wanted to go to Broadway after college because I’m a very talented singer. I also know all the Beatles songs ever and they help me find hyper-focus to complete a task I need to complete.

What’s your favorite quote?

“Just keep swimming”

How can my readers connect with you?

Instagram: madybarrera

To book your free Personal Branding Photography photo session click here.

To view more blog posts from the 52 Women Entrepreneurs Series, click here. 

LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based and Destination Wedding Photographer, Seniors and Personal Branding Photographer.


comments +

  1. Nicole D says:

    So inspirational, great read!

  2. Amanda says:

    I ‘m really enjoying reading this series. Every lady you have featured has inspired me.

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