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How to Build and Scale Your Photography Business When You’re not Photographing

April 16, 2020

Filed in: Education

These are trying times for all of us. Our uninvited intruder, COVID-19 has brought our photography Businsess as well as many other industries to a halt! During these times of uncertainty, we are all trying to survive and stay above waters.

As photographers, we are all missing not being able to photograph our clients. As creatives, it’s the part of our business we love the most. And I think it’s fair to say that this isolation is having us wonder if our business is going to survive this epidemic.

I want to encourage you, my friend, to stay positive, stay active, and stay connected.

Today I want to share with you some tips on how to build and scale your photography business when you’re not photographing.

Stay Connected

It is so important that you show up.

  • Show up on social media regularly. Do live videos on Insta Stories.
  • Send DMs to people you want to connect with.
  • Reach out to past clients and let them know you’re thinking of them
  • Invite business for a Zoom coffee or wine hang out.
  • Send “Thinking of You” snail mail cards to clients and local businesses.

Give your website a facelift

This is the perfect time to work on your bio, add a new profile picture (an while you’re at it make sure that all of your social media platforms are updated with the new picture). Add new images to your portfolio. Make sure that all of you contact information is up to date.


Friends blogging is not dead and if you don’t have a blog you can start one now.

  • Blogging regularly helps with your SEO and helps you be found on google.
  • Google loves new content so make sure yo blog at least once a week.
  • Create a blog calendar
  • Don’t know much about SEO? I here you! Fuze at has some amazing resources to help creatives with SEO. 


This is a great time to review your contract and make sure is up to date.  As my business grows and things change, I had to make some changes to my contracts.

Systems and workflow

Without systems, schedules, and organization, businesses fail to thrive. Streamline your workflow. More productive hours means more time on your hands. Work smarter not harder. I believe that having solid systems in place increases your productivity, revenue, and affords you the opportunity for a better quality of life. If you already have a great system, good for you! But if you have been putting off, now is the time.There are probably a few things you have been putting off.

I use Dubsado for my client management, Trello for my projects, Later for Instagram.


Now more than ever you need to make sure that your pricing is set to make you a profit. Take this time to look at your numbers and make the changes that you need to make.

  • Have a set budget for marketing
  • Know cost of running your business
  • Know the Cost of Goods
  • Figure out your session fees
  • Work on your collections and a la carte pricing

Pricing is one of my favorite things. If you need help with pricing I’m offering one-hour free consultations. Click here to book yours!

Clean up your e-mail box

When was the last time you had an empty e-mail inbox?
  • Create a filing system
  • Unsubscribing from specific emails you don’t want. You can do this manually but that might take you some time depending on your inbox. You can also use a service like Mailstrom, Unrollme or the “EMAIL” app to unsubscribe.


Look over the list of memberships and services you are paying for. Unsubscribe to any memberships and services you are no longer using or are not helping you uplevel your business.

Few providers are offering discounts or free services during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Here are some companies that are offering assistance but don’t be afraid to reach out to the companies you use and ask.

  • 2 free months with Adobe
  • 2 free months with Showit
  • 3 free months with Tailwind


If you are like me you probably have some courses in your vault that you purchased and have not touched or finished. Instead of binging on Netflix visit those courses and get them DONE! After all, you invested so much of your hard-working money on them. And don’t forget to implement what you learn.


I love reading! I made it my goal a few years ago to read at least one business or self wellness book each month. It really is not hard. Set aside fifteen minutes a day and your good.

Here’s a list of some of my favorite books.

My friends, we got this! Please know that you are not alone. We are all in this together. I’m very passionate about helping fellow photographers. I want to help you any way I can. I have opened my calenders for a one-hour free consultation to talk about anything related to your photography business. So if you need help with pricing, marketing, systems, whatever it may be. I’m happy to help you. No strings attached and no sales pitch.

Please click here to schedule your free one-hour consultation.

LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based and Destination Wedding Photographer, Seniors and Personal Branding Photographer.


comments +

  1. Amanda says:

    These are great tips. Thanks Lydia for always sharing your wisdom and supporting our industry. I look forward to scheduling my 1:1 with you!

  2. Jolie says:

    This is SO good and just what I needed to hear during this time. Thank you, Lydia for a wealth of information to keep me going as a fellow photographer!

  3. Emmy says:

    These are great tips thanks for sharing!

  4. Heather says:

    As always, you are spot on and absolutely correct — all those little things that normally get looked over! Now is the time! Thank you for your insight and the kick in the pants I needed to get these things done!

  5. Olivia says:

    Thanks for the great tips. This is so helpful especially during these times.

  6. Sunny says:

    yes! great tips!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Maria says:

    these are great tips! thanks for sharing

  8. Stacie says:

    These are awesome tips! I feel like for me “not binging on Netflix” is gonna be easier said than done! 😅 do you have any tips on coming up with ideas for blog posts when you’ve run out of sessions to post?

  9. Catie says:

    Such great advice! I’m going to have to look up those books. I’m definitely going to read a few!

  10. Ashley says:

    Great content! Love these ideas! Thanks!

  11. Vivian says:

    I loved reading this. Thank you for the much needed tips during this time.

  12. Hayley Moore says:

    This information for photographers is so amazing, thank you for sharing!!

  13. Jennifer says:

    Great tips! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  14. Great practical advice to keep growing businesses during this season!

  15. Jordyn says:

    Such great inspiration! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  16. Caitlin says:

    These are some amazing ideas, not just for photographers, but for anyone who is unable to perform the full scope of their business activities right now!

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