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David and Krystal ~ A Deep Woods Wedding | Elmira Oregon

August 22, 2012

Filed in: Wedding

I was blessed and honored to be part of David and Krystal big day. David and Krystal got married at Deep Woods in Elmira. A beautiful rustic place surrounded by huge Douglas Fir trees. The day was absolutely gorgeous! The first look was something special. The love that David has for God and his bride is undeniable. It was pure romance watching them two as they looked at each other for the first time. There was a moment when David held Krystal gently in his arms, so tender, so perfect. I love first looks and if you are getting married anytime soon, I highly recommend you doing a first look. For those that don’t know what a first look is, first look is when the bride and groom see each other for the first time before they walk done the aisle. There is something very special, magical, that happens when you do a first look.

David and Krystal, I wish you much success in your marriage. May the Lord bless you and may your love for each other continue to grow as you grow in the Lord.

This day was also special because my husband Curt and my son Jeremy assisted me. Yes it was a family affair!

I Love this picture that Curt took of David worshiping while he waits for his beautiful bride to do the first look.

Thanks for stopping by and don’t forget to leave David and Krystal some love!

comments +

  1. Hannah Dahl says:

    Beautiful wedding!

  2. Shannon Baimbridge says:

    I love the pictures. 🙂 The one where David is twirling Krystal is just awesome! I love the way the sun is coming through the trees and her shadow is on the ground. It is like God is shining is love down on just them. 🙂 I can not wait to see the rest of the pictures.

  3. Heidi Picinic says:

    What beautiful photos! So happy to have been part of the day!

  4. Linda Young says:

    What beautiful pictures. I love the picture of Krystal and the pearl necklace. Krystal you made a beautiful bride and of course David is a handsome groom.
    Love to you both Aunt Linda & Uncle Jerry.

  5. Lea Fowler says:

    Oh Krystal, you look SO beautiful! I am so sorry we couldn’t be there. But we want you to know how much we love you! And David, we don’t even have to meet you to know we love you also. The fact that Krystal loves you is enough 🙂 God Bless both of you on your new life together!

  6. Greta Olson says:

    Krystal is the most beautiful bride! Love you both. Great photos!

  7. Nancy Lawrence says:

    Hooray! Brings tears to my eyes…they are so happy and it really shines through in these photos!

  8. Nicole Lawrence says:

    What a happy day this was! What a beautiful couple – we are such a blessed family!

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