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Erika: Guachinago Mexico | Destination Photographer

January 31, 2014

Filed in: Uncategorized

Guachinango Jalisco, Mexico

Ok it’s been a while since I blogged about my photo sessions I did in Mexico last year. I still have a few sessions that I have not come around to blogging from “A Taste of My Heritage” series. This session is super special to me Not only did I have an awesome model but I love everything that the “Charro” uniform represents.  It’s fair to say that the “Charro” uniform or some people call it the “Mariachi” uniform, is a staple of Mexican heritage.   Anytime  I see one I can’t help but think of Mexico, it’s culture, people, family,my childhood, my heritage.  I grew up listening to Mariachi music.  It’s still on of my favorites and when I am feeling nostalgic a good Vicente Fernadez cd and a good bottle of tequila will do.  Bonus if I get to share this with family and friends!

Here is to me feeling nostalgic and missing everything that is going on right now in my beloved Guachinango.  How I wish I was there right now!

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comments +

  1. Lucsineah Sanchez Santiago says:

    Espectacular hermosisimas fotos:)

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