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Eugene Wedding: Kaylee and Claudio | Eugene Weddings and Destination Photographer

November 14, 2013

Filed in: Wedding

Kaylee and Claudio’s Eugene Wedding! Eugene weddings and Destination Photographer.
It’s hard to believe that my little sister is not so little any more.  This past summer she married the love of her life, Claudio.  They had a small intimate wedding at my brother’s house.  Close family members and friends where there to celebrate with the newlyweds.

I know Kaylee and Claudio wanted to invite more family and friends but this all happened so fast.  I actually can’t believe we pulled it off in two weeks!  Not to worry as this is their civil wedding and Claudio and Kaylee are planning their traditional Catholic wedding next year…..and in the traditional Mexican way…… are all invited!  Kaylee is going to love me for saying this!

Kaylee, I couldn’t be happier for you and Claudio.  You guys are perfect for each other and wish you both the best as you start a new life together.  Love you both!   eugene weddings, portland weddings, outdoor wedding, eugene wedding photo_1532.jpg
I am a sucker for shoes and I am on the hunt for the perfect dress so I can borrow Kaylee’s Badgley Mischka shoes.  After all that is what sisters are for…right!eugene weddings, portland weddings, outdoor wedding, eugene wedding photo_1533.jpg eugene weddings, portland weddings, outdoor wedding, eugene wedding photo_1534.jpg eugene weddings, portland weddings, outdoor wedding, eugene wedding photo_1535.jpg

eugene weddings, portland weddings, outdoor wedding, eugene wedding photo_1536.jpg These are by far the cutest flower girls and I am so blessed to be their Auntie! eugene weddings, portland weddings, outdoor wedding, eugene wedding photo_1540.jpg

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