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Rob and Carly’s Junction City Wedding | Eugene, OR

October 7, 2014

Filed in: Wedding

Rob & Carly’s beautiful Junction City wedding took place on September 13th at Carly’s Aunt and Uncle’s private home in Junction City, Oregon.  Everything about this Junction City wedding was perfect and magical.  From the beautiful weather, gorgeous venue, all the special DIY details, family and friends that came from out of town, and a couple madly in love!  We really could not have asked for anything more.

They both have a servant’s heart and a love for God! Carly and Rob met while volunteering at Autzen Stadium Concessions during a Duck’s game. They were volunteering with Eugene Christian Fellowship to help raise money for the youth camp in the fall of 2011!  It wasn’t till the following summer that they began dating and after a year and a half together Rob proposed to Carly.


A big shout out to my talented 2nd shooter, Cat Dossett, and awesome assistant Vanessa Gillis!

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I had to try more than one and my favorite was the strawberry and basil.  If you have never had Red Wagon’s, you need to visit them sometime soon.  I am not exaggerating when I say they have the best ice cream in town!  They are located in downtown Eugene.  You can also click here for their website!photographer, destination wedding photos, destination wedding, oregon wedding, salem wedding, salem photos, eugene photos, eugene pictures, wedding photo ideas_1166.jpg photographer, destination wedding photos, destination wedding, oregon wedding, salem wedding, salem photos, eugene photos, eugene pictures, wedding photo ideas_1167.jpg junction city wedding photos - backyard weddingThey had a special guest.photographer, eugene photographer, wedding photos, wedding picture, porttrait photographer, professional photographer, wedding photo, wedding picture_1072.jpg photographer, eugene photographer, wedding photos, wedding picture, porttrait photographer, professional photographer, wedding 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junction city wedding photos - backyard wedding


The Team:

Venue:  Private Home

Wedding Coordinator: Blissful Weddings By Brianna

Brides Maid Dresse’s: Fleet Collection

Bridal Dress: The Cotton Bride from Beausoleil Bridal Boutique

Groomsmen and Groom’s Attire:  JC Penney and Tie Bar

Florist:  McKenzie River Lavender

DJ: BJ the DJ

Cake: Danan Rolfe

Ice Cream:  Red Wagon

Caterer: Boss Hawgs BBQ


Lydia Gillis Photography is Eugene based Junction City wedding photographer and Destination Wedding Photographer. We specialize in weddings and high school seniors.

visit our website | “like” us on Facebook | Follow us on Instagram | Follow us on Pintrest | Follow us on Twitter

comments +

  1. Carly says:

    Love them!!!

  2. Carrie Symmes says:

    You captured the magic of this wedding and the personality of Carly and Rob perfect in these photos! It was one of the most beautiful touching weddings I’ve ever been to and you definitely documented that in these photos!

  3. Michael Spoerl says:

    Wow! Still cant believe my baby is married! Mom

  4. […] also had the opportunity to second shoot for the first time with the incredible talented Lydia Gillis Photography. I was such a great experience to see someone else in action at a wedding and Lydia is one of the […]

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