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New York Life Coach | Claudia Peralta

March 12, 2020

As we continue our 52 Women Entrepreneurs Series, today we are featuring Claudia Peralta. She’s a Life Coach and Certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) from New York. She’s dedicated to helping you achieve your highest potential.

I love stories. What’s your story?

Picture it: NYC, 1979. I’ve just taken my first plane ride. As a one-year-old, I’ve no idea where I am.

Seriously, I’m a hard worker. I wasn’t born in this country and my parents instilled a strong work ethic in me. They were both entrepreneurs without even realizing it until I was much older.
My mother took what she learned on the job and turned it into a small home business for herself. My father used his varied skills, contracted and freelanced while also working full time.

By the age of 18, I had interned at a major utility company in New York City and worked in two prestigious law firms in Midtown Manhattan. When I turned 20, I entered the world of finance. Corporate banking was my home for the next 7 years. Putting in 50 hours a week left me very little time for my toddler son, family, or friends and I had to make a change.

For the next 12 years, I worked as a public-school teacher in NYC. I then transitioned into the role of Instructional Coach, mentoring and training teachers. It wasn’t until I started my own Life Coaching business that I knew that was what I was in search of for the past 2 decades. My dream is now a reality.

Tell me about your business?

I am a Certified Professional Life Coach and Certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) dedicated to helping you achieve your highest potential. I’m devoted to providing personalized coaching to individuals and groups who want to create lives they love to live.

Why did you become an entrepreneur?

I have a genuine passion for service. I love helping others get from where they are to where they want to be in life. I realized that within the constricts of working for a large entity, I couldn’t personalize my coaching the way I thought would best serve my clients.

Who is your ideal client?

I’ve found that teachers and educators are attracted to my message and style, and I’m able to serve them very well due to my background in over a decade in education.
If you believe that enriching yourself with the right mindset and guidance with a successful coach who is committed to helping you achieve your highest potential, you are my ideal client.

As an entrepreneur, we face a lot of challenges, what has been your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge has been managing where to place my energy and focus when various projects and opportunities are options. I consider myself a multi-passionate entrepreneur and as such, I do have many things that I want to create and collaborate on, with other professionals. However, I have to make choices so that I’m not spread too thin.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in your business?

y biggest accomplishment has been following my own path. By not comparing myself to others, I’m able to grow in a positive way, based on desire, creativity, and passion, instead of fear.

What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself as an entrepreneur?

I am very creative! I was not good at drawing or creating any type of art as a child, and therefore I just adopted the label of being non-artistic. However, by creating content via my blog, videos, training and podcast show, I have found that I’m very creative thank you! It’s one of my favorite parts of being in business.

What advice would you give someone who just started or wants to become an entrepreneur?

Find one or two quality mentors, tops. This will help with your focus and also avoid “shiny object syndrome”. In the beginning, I wanted to learn many things from many people, and it became overwhelming. By narrowing it down to one or two mentors, I had much more clarity and made the most progress. Also: Be yourself! If you’re quirky, be that. If you’re analytical, let that shine through. By being your authentic self, you’ll appeal to those you can best serve, instead of the masses.

Share one fun fact about yourself?

I can speak in very different variations of baby voices and it cracks me up! My friends find it kind of creepy, ha-ha!

What’s your favorite quote?

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Dr. Wayne Dyer

How can my readers connect with you?

The quickest way is via my website:

I’m also on all your socials:

To read more on the 52 Women Entrepreneurs follow these links:

Homeschool CEO and Facebook Ads Consultant – Jen Myers

Online Entrepreneur – Rhonda Douglas 

California Attorney – Nicole Oden

Connecticut Health and Wellness Coach | Jenny Hayes 

North Carolina Entrepreneur | Amanda LeFever 

California Relationship Therapist | Dalila Jusic-LaBerge

LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based and Destination Wedding Photographer, Seniors and Personal Branding Photographer.


comments +

  1. Amanda says:

    I love reading all of these ladies storys and tips on becoming an entrepreneur.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Great message and beautiful photos! <3

  3. Sara says:

    I love that you are featuring women entrepreneurs!

  4. Mandy says:

    Fun series! Love this idea.

  5. Josefin says:

    So inspiring reading about other female entrepreneurs! Love to read and learn from others stories!

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