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A Family Legacy | Celebrating Her 97th Birthday

January 27, 2016

Filed in: Personal

portrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photography

A Family Legacy.  Celebrating Her 97th Birthday

I love the way she looks at me when she talks to me.  She make me feel like I am the most important person in the world and I like to believe I am her favorite  granddaughter.

I love the times we can go for walks holding hands and talk about life.  I never get tired of our conversations.

I love the way she covers her mouth when she laughs.  She has a contagious laughter.

I love that after 15 years of the passing of her lover, she still wears her wedding ring. They were married for 63 three years.  A true testament of love and loyalty.

I love that for every wrinkle she proudly wears there are 100 stories to be told.

I love that she still has her wit and sass.

I love her because…SHE is who SHE is!

This is my sweet grandmother.  A woman who has given and sacrificed so much for her family.  She has lived a very humble life.  She is far from living a glamorous life but she would tell you she is very BLESSED.  At her age she is healthier than a 40 year old.  Her legacy is her family.  I spent last night working on the family tree and with the help of my sister and two cousins we came up with some amazing numbers that just thinking about it brings me tears of pride and joy.  I am so proud of my roots and my family…do I dare tell you how big my family is?  Mind you this is only from my mother’s side, my father’s side is just as big!  I have to say the numbers shocked me.  I knew my family was big but WOW not this big.

So here are the stats:

My grandparents were married for 63 years (My grandfather pased away 15 years ago when he was 101 years old).

They had 11 children, 4 of which are deceased. Together they have 45 grandchildren (I am one of them), 123 great-grandchildren, and 38 great-great-grandchildren (one was just born yesterday and 2 more are due this year). It is beyond crazy to have a family this big, one that I am extremely grateful and blessed to be a part of.

Today I celebrate my grandmother Nina Chelo.  I celebrate her life and honor her legacy!  Happy 97th Birthday, Nina.  You are loved by many!


These pictures are from almost two years ago.  I took these pictures during a short visit to my home town in Guachinago, Jalisco. I wanted to capture some raw moments with my Nina in her home.  There is nothing glamorous about these images but I believe in telling the real story.  Authenticity always trumps being glamorous.  These are by far my favorite pictures of her.  Hope you enjoy these picture and get to know my Nina through my lens.  xx

portrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis PhotographyShe proudly wears the wedding ring my grandfather gave her.portrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis PhotographyHer humble home in Guachinago, Jalisco Mexico.picture of a house in Mexico | Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis PhotographyWhen grace is joined with wrinkles, it is adorable.  There is an unspeakable dawn in happy old age ~Victor Hugo

portrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographypicture of a house in Mexico | Lydia Gillis PhotographyMy hubby took this picture of Nina and I.  When she talks, I listen!celebrating a 97th birthday, family legacy_1882portrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis PhotographyThe minute I clicked the shutter I knew this was the one…my favorite. This picture speaks for itself.  portrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis PhotographyShe has a washer but chooses to do laundry by hand.picture of a house in Mexico | Lydia Gillis PhotographySome of my favorite meals were cooked here.picture of a house in Mexico | Lydia Gillis Photographypicture of a house in Mexico | Lydia Gillis Photographypicture of a house in Mexico | Lydia Gillis PhotographyI added this picture more so for my family.  It has a special meaning to some of us.picture of a house in Mexico | Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photographypicture of a house in Mexico | Lydia Gillis Photographypicture of a house in Mexico | Lydia Gillis Photographyportrait of an older lady |Lydia Gillis Photography

LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is a Eugene based and Destination Wedding Photographer. We specialize in Weddings and High School Seniors.



comments +

  1. Leticia Tovar says:

    Feliz Cumpleaños Dios la siga bendiciendo

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