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My Word for 2016 | Balance

January 5, 2016

Filed in: Personal

Yesterday was my first official day back to work. However you didn’t see much of me on social media.  That is because I decided to take the day to reflect on 2015.  I spent part of the day writing down my accomplishments and my failures or areas I need to improve in my business as well as my personal life.  There are some areas I am super proud of and other areas that I am even embarrassed to talk about.  This processes was rewarding and painful at the same time.  Sometimes it’s hard to face reality.  While writing things down one word kept popping into my head…BALANCE!

As a small business owner and entrepreneur it is so easy to fall into the trap that I have to do it all.    That is why this year I decided to fire myself from things I don’t like to do and promote myself to things I like and enjoy.  It’s not easy as I like to be in control and want to do it all.  The truth is I can’t do it all and nor should I! Work is never finished.  Now a days we are surrounded by technology and it’s so easy to be connected 24 hours a day.  The blessing from being able to work from any where can also be a curse.  It’s hard sometimes to fully disconnect and make time for personal stuff.  In order for my business to survive and for me to maintain a healthy family I need to find the perfect BALANCE.  BALANCE in my business as well as family.

Some changes I will be making is outsourcing some part of my business like editing and bookkeeping.  I am also intentionally working only during business hours.  This will allow me to have more time to be creative, photograph more, marketing to my ideal clients and networking.  Yes, these are the things that I truly enjoy doing. Well minus the marketing but it’s such a big part of my brand that I am not sure how I can outsource it.

As for family or personal life, we are bringing game night back.  So my Wednesday evenings will be  sacred-dedicated to my family.   I am scheduling time to exercise and read more.  Two things I wish I could do more.  Date night with my husband are back on the calendar as well.

Giving myself permission to not do it all and saying no to the things I don’t enjoy will help bring Balance to my life.

How about you?  What is your word for 2016


word for 2016

LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Eugene based and Destination Wedding Photographer. We specialize in Weddings and High School Seniors.





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