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Brighter Friday

May 4, 2012

Filed in: Brighter Friday

I love this time of year when my reward for working so hard in my garden pays off.  I will be posting a “Brighter Friday” from now on to the fall.  I love flowers and the smell of fresh flowers in my home.  They not only brighten my day but they are also a constant reminder of God’s beauty.  Lilacs are some of the first flowers that bloom in my garden.  They remind my that even though we have a lot of rainy days here in Oregon, sunny days are just around the corner. One can be hopeful…right?

The smell and look of spring reminds me of  new beginnings.

Lilacs and Spanish Bluebell

Prayer in a Garden
Today the world seemed cruel, but evening hours
Were filled with perfume from forgotten flowers.
I saw again familiar filigree
Of moonlight through my lacy Lilac tree;
I heard the robins stirring in their nest;
And saw the path that fairy feet had pressed;
Reflected stars were in my garden pool;
On my warm face the breeze was kind and cool.
The silence seemed to speak, my head was bowed,
Then ramblers that had grown into a cloud
Lifted my eyes that, tear-washed, now could see
The beauty that today was lost to me.
Dear God, who is so near to flowers, and birds,
Be nearer still, as I shall search for words
To thank Thee for the blessings night revealed,
Which through the day discouragement concealed.
-Eva Sparks Taylor

Wishing you a Brighter Friday!

comments +

  1. De Martin says:

    Love, Love, Love every little thing about your website, your talent and YOU! Derice

  2. LoriandMark Harpham says:

    Loved these lilacs! God is soooo amazing and He gives us such beautiful things to look at and smell! Thank you for sharing, Lydia!

  3. Hannah Dahl says:


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