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101 Things in 1001 Days | Denver Portrait and Brand Photographer

May 3, 2012

Filed in: Personal

Harbor of Naples Italy

101 Things in 1001 Days 

Earlier this year I was challenged by my P31 sisters to write down my goals for the next  1001 days.  I wanted to be realistic  in what I wrote because if you know me, I like to mark things off.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment. However, I have learned through the years that while things might seem impossible and out of my reach, there is nothing that God can not do.

Psalms 20:4 May He give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed (NIV)

Goals are only dreams and wishes unless you write them down and take action. The first step is done and I already feel some kind of achievement.  Writing and sharing my goals here not only allows me share my ambitions but it also makes me accountable.  I am excited to see how many goals I can mark off by 2014!

My 101 in 1001 day:

Starting Date – January 5, 2012

Ending Date – October 3, 2014

  1. Find a charity and give a profit from my business
  2. Go on another mission’s trip
  3. Photograph more of Eugene in an editorial style
  4. Build a website (4-29-20012)
  5. Start a blog  (4-30-2012)
  6. Memorize Psalms 119
  7. Randomly choose a family at a restaurant and pay for their meal
  8. Write thank you notes twice a month for a year to people who have made a deference in my life
  9. Shoot a wedding outside the United States
  10. Organize a style shoot
  11.  Have a date with my husband once a month for a year and hopefully there after
  12.  Have a date with my son once a month for a year and hopefully there after
  13. Have a date with my daughter once a month for a year and hopefully there after
  14. Buy a lap top
  15. Use my business to serve the community
  16. Have at least one guest writer a year on my blog
  17. Have my work published
  18. Visit more wineries……yes, I love wine!
  19. Visit San Francisco
  20. Learn to play the guitar and maybe take some singing lessons (Don’t laugh)
  21. Take my kids to Disneyland again
  22. Do some style shoots in Mexico
  23. Attend a workshop  with Jose Villa in Mexico
  24. Do a photo shoot of my beautiful grandma
  25. Visit the place where I was born and read Psalms 139!
  26. This might be out of my reach financially but I have learned that nothing is impossible for God so here it is….I would like to visit Yucatan again and make peace with my heart!
  27. Read a business book at least once a month
  28. Run a 5k and then a 13k…not sure I can do a marathon.
  29. Take a hot air balloon with the love of my life
  30. Go rock climbing
  31. Do a trash the dress shoot
  32. Go back to Showit Unite!
  33. Hike more trails in Oregon.  Such a beautiful place!
  34. Visit Deception pass…so majestic!
  35. Do a photo shoot of someone in the military…love the military!
  36. Do a photo shoot of someone who fought in a war and tell their story
  37.  Master off camera flash.
  38.  Take a plane ride with Matt Hoecker!
  39. Go water rafting
  40. Take a cross country trip
  41. See Metallica in concert with Curt Gillis, Shirley Madathil, and Rick Lathrop (who would have thought!)
  42. Go horseback riding on a beach
  43.  Dance in the rain
  44.  Blessed a group of ladies and make them feel BEAUTIFUL for a day
  45.  Take the On Camera Workshop with Zack and Jody.  Love those two!
  46.  Shoot a Notebook Theme styled shoot with a couple that is madly in love
  47. Have someone do an editorial shoot of me
  48. Get caught up with all my editing.  I am so behind!
  49. Take some dance classes with my man!
  50. Find new places to shoot
  51. Have lunch with my WPPI roomies from 2012
  52. Bake more cookies
  53. Go back to having family nights
  54. Serve our community as a family
  55. Shoot a wedding or a photo shoot at Lewis and Clark University, Oregon
  56. Watch a Broadway Show
  57. Photograph a military homecoming
  58.  Attend a Mike Colon workshop
  59. Attend WPPI at least one more time in the next three years
  60. Transfer all my Hydrangeas to the right place in my garden
  61. Finish my garden and my deck
  62. Have a spa day with my daughter
  63. Go back to eating clean
  64. Send each of my siblings a birthday card and let them know how much I love them.
  65. Feed the homeless
  66. Give clean socks to the homeless
  67. Take more pictures as a family
  68. Learn to make sushi
  69. Have more people over for dinner.  This should be a little easier now that Curt is working back in Eugene
  70. Give Curt more back massages
  71. Clean my garage and keep it clean
  72. Expand my lens collection, top of the list 70-200 2.8
  73. Take a CS5 or CS6 photoshop  class
  74. Go camping at least once a year
  75. Have my kid’s friends over for dinner on a regular basis
  76. Go to the Peony Festival in Oregon
  77. Plant a vegetable garden
  78.  Paint the inside of my house
  79. Write more hand written love letters to the three most important people in my life
  80.  Go to more concert with my family
  81.  Read my bible by a waterfall
  82. See more waterfalls in Oregon…yes I love waterfalls!
  83.  Swim in a warm beach
  84.  Take yoga classes
  85.  Cook one recipe from every cookbook I have (I have about 60 and counting)
  86.  Get caught up with my kids school scrapbook
  87.  Mentor a teenager
  88.  Visit Curt’s family in Massachusetts
  89.  Eat fresh lobster in Massachusetts
  90.  Visit a military friend from my old squadron….MAWD
  91. Visit Yosemite Park or Yellowstone
  92. Make a promo video for my business
  93.  Go kayaking
  94.  Go night sailing with the Eblings, the Harris, and my hubby on a full moon.
  95.  Spend a day shooting with my dear friend Ranelle.  We have been talking about this for years!
  96.  Go hiking with my brother Joey
  97.   Do a mission’s trip to Mexico with my kids
  98.  Go to a professional football game.  And if I had my choice it would be the 49’s and the Patriots.
  99.  Organize and clean my computer
  100. Have someone design my logo
  101. Spend more time cuddling with my husband


LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based and Destination Wedding Photographer, Seniors and Personal Branding Photographer.


comments +

  1. Renee D'Anna Deese says:

    come on down to san francisco and check that one off your list! 🙂

  2. Joe Santiago says:

    I can help out on a few of those! and that 5k phsssss! cmon sis step it up a notch. lets make some plans for this summer. bring your camera, you don’t want to miss what I’m about to show you on those trails!

  3. Hannah Dahl says:

    I can make #68 happen. Homemade sushi night!

  4. Karen Goertzen Stuve says:

    I’d love you help you with #18!

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