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Helping Children who are Suffering from Chronic Sleep Debt

June 16, 2023

Today on the blog, I want to introduce you to my friend Natalie. Natalie is the founder of Little Victories Sleep. Her passion is working with families with children that are suffering from chronic sleep debt. I met Natalie at one of the Denver Boss Babes Collective networking events. After meeting and talking with her, I knew I wanted to share here story because I know a lot of parents can benefit from her expertise.

So without any further ado meet Natalie!

I love stories. What’s your story?

I grew up in the midwest, but always dreamt of a life outside of my small town. Being really big on planning, it took me until I was 25 before I hit the road and landed in San Francisco, CA where I pivoted from graphic design to marketing. Landing a job in tech felt like the right thing for that period of my life. Eventually I found myself in love and moving to the Pacific Northwest with my, now husband. After enjoying the lush forests, volcano landscapes, and endless outdoor adventure, Colorado came calling. I call Denver home now with my family of five (2 toddlers and corgi).

Tell me about your business?

Little Victories was founded in early 2023 after a year of rigorous coursework and two years of personal experience with the woes of childhood sleep. My mission is to coach families and instill healthy sleep foundations so everyone can get more sleep.

Why did you become an entrepreneur?

I have spent the last 10 years working for start ups. Building relationships with founders who have a passion for a problem that needs solved always sent me on a search for the solution to a “big” problem, too. Ideas came and went, and ultimately, always felt forced.

After having my daughter in October of 2020, feeling intensely isolated and unable to call in my “village” of other mamas due to the pandemic, I was at my edge. I was sleep deprived and desperate. My husband and I hired a Pediatric Sleep Consultant who, quite literally, changed my life.

The “big” problem didn’t need to be discovered, it was right in front of me. I decided I wanted to help families feel the same confidence the sleep consultant we hired helped me feel.

Who is your ideal client?

My ideal client has a child or children who are suffering from chronic sleep debt. The whole family is tired and stuck in a vicious cycle of contact naps, bedtime negotiations, or mornings that start at 5AM. Clients who are motivated to make a change because they know the current way just isn’t working, is ideal.

As an entrepreneur we face a lot of challenges, what has been your biggest challenge?

Starting my business has been the biggest challenge! I felt like it took forever to land my first client (it didn’t, I was just being dramatic). I now consider myself a marketer by trade, but I’ve never had to start from scratch… entirely alone! But I draw on my postpartum experience and I know if I can do that alone, I can do this!

What has been you biggest accomplishment in your business?

Building everything from the ground up. With Little Victories, everything you see from my name, branding, business cards, website, etc. is 100% created and built by me. It’s my vision come to life. I am really proud of that.

What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself as an entrepreneur?

Positive self talk is important and leaning on fellow entrepreneurs when the positive self talk turns negative. There will be great days, hard days and everything in between.

Share one fun fact about yourself?

The best job I’ve ever had was working on the entertainment staff for a minor league baseball team in Dayton, Ohio (where I grew up). I shot t-shirts out of cannons and chose people to participate in skits on the field. It was so energizing.

What’s your favorite mantra or quote?

You’ll never survive if you don’t calm the waters on the inside.

What are your favorite things to do on the weekends?

My family and I love to go to the mountains to hike and camp. I LOVE getting up early and going for a run before the world wakes up, which is ironic as a sleep consultant – I need my kids to sleep until 6:30, so I can get in at least an hour of movement before the day commences.

How can my readers connect with you?

Visit my website:
Send me a DM:
Book a complimentary call:

Anything else you want to share with my audience?

I’m a Certified by the Family Sleep Institute. So, while I have vast experience with my own kiddos, which I draw on during consults, I also share up-to-date, science backed information.

I want everyone to sleep better, but I also want every family to feel the same level of support and confidence I had while working through my own children’s sleep struggles.

I meet each where they are and carefully consider family dynamics, parenting styles, and personalities when writing Personalized Sleep Plans.

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To view more blog posts from the 52 Women Entrepreneurs Series, click here

LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based and Destination Wedding Photographer, Seniors and Personal Branding Photographer.


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