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Colosseum and Foro Palatino Con Mostra, Italy

August 2, 2020

Filed in: Personal, Travel

Day four of our trip took us to explore the Colosseum and Foro Palatino Con Mostra in Italy. To be at a place I only read about for years, was surreal. I tried to put myself at that time in history wondering what it would be like to have lived during then, being an actual spectator. My brain and imagination could only grasp a very small sliver of what it must have been like.

On this day, Jeremy joined us on our excursion. He flew in the day before. Day three of our trip was a relaxing, slow-paced day for us. Jeremy flew in and was recovering from the jet lag, so we just hung around the Airbnb reading and drinking wine.

As expected, the Colosseum and Foro Palatino Con Mostra were very crowded. The Colosseum alone is such an iconic symbol of Italy and one of the most visited tourist attractions in Rome. The line to the Colosseum was over an hour wait but we decided to hire a tour guide and this allowed us to bypass the line and go straight to the front. Well worth paying for the guide. This was another excruciating hot day in Rome. And while Jeremy and I enjoyed exploring and learning, sadly Curt was faced with allergies out of nowhere and between the heat and the allergies made it hard for him to enjoy the day. I felt really bad for him but he was a trooper and didn’t want to leave after offering a few times to call it a day and go back to the Airbnb.

Enjoy the sights from the fourth day of our Italian vacation and don’t forget to scroll to the bottom for another trip tip.

Travel Tip

There’s a fee to enter the colosseum, but once a month they offer a free day. Mostly on a Sunday from what I heard. So if you are visiting check their website and see if they are offering a free day during your stay. However, free days are going to attract a bigger crowd so just be prepared for that. The day we visited the Colosseum was a free day. We arrived fairly early and there was already a crowd. By the time we exited the colosseum the crowd had doubled. And on a side note, the tour guides are an additional fee so you have to pay for them separately.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Let me know how you’re enjoining our family vacation and if you’re finding the travel tips helpful. Ciao for now!

To see more of our trip and my travels click here.

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LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based Seniors, and Personal Branding Photographer as well as educator. She helps photographers run a profitable and sustainable business. 


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