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Embracing a New Adventure: My Journey as a Retreat Host

June 2, 2024

Filed in: Personal

My Journey as a Retreat Host | Live and Grow Retreats

I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you all—I am embarking on a new chapter in my business: My journey as a retreat host! This endeavor has been a dream of mine for quite some time, and I can hardly contain my excitement as I take the first steps toward bringing Live and Grow Retreats to life. Here’s a glimpse into what this new adventure means to me and what you can expect from my retreats.

My Passion

Even before Lydia Gillis Photography was a thing, I dreamt of hosting my own retreats. I have always been passionate about creating spaces where people can reconnect with themselves, find peace, and grow. For 8+ years I helped coordinate and host retreats through our church. And as much as I enjoyed doing this, I also knew I wanted to do more, to offer more. The joy of bringing people together has always been a driving force in my life. My desire to create a welcoming place for women to gather, grow, and build community naturally evolved into the idea of hosting retreats—immersive experiences where people can step away from their daily routines and immerse themselves in self-discovery, rejuvenation, and growth.

The Experience

One of the aspects that excites me most about this new venture is the opportunity to craft unique and meaningful experiences for my participants. I am dedicated to creating retreats that are not only relaxing but also transformative. Each retreat will be thoughtfully designed to cater to different themes and interests, whether it’s creativity, adventure, or personal growth and business growth.

Perfect Setting

Imagine waking up to the sound of waves gently lapping against the shore, the scent of fresh ocean air filling your lungs, and the warmth of the sun as it rises over the horizon. Or perhaps you prefer the serenity of a mountain lodge, surrounded by towering trees and the crisp, clean scent of pine. These are the kinds of settings I envision for my retreats—places where the natural beauty of the environment enhances the overall experience.

Building a Community

Another exciting aspect of becoming a retreat host is the chance to build a community of like-minded individuals. Over the years, I have attended a handful of retreats as a guest. I can tell you that one of the most powerful aspects of any retreat is the connections that are formed between participants. By fostering an environment of openness, support, and shared experiences, I hope to create a community that extends beyond the retreat itself.

Personal Growth and Learning

This new endeavor is not just about providing a space for others to grow—it’s also about my own growth and learning. As an entrepreneur I’ve held back doing some of the things I want to do. Why? The answer is simple: FEAR. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of stepping out of my comfort zone. It’s easier to stay within the safety net of playing it small or working for someone else’s dream, where the risks are low. But in doing so, I’ve realized that I’ve been neglecting the voice inside me that yearns for something more—something uniquely my own. I am eager to immerse myself in the process of planning and hosting retreats, from selecting the perfect locations and designing enriching activities to collaborating with expert facilitators. Every step of this journey is an opportunity for me to learn, improve, and offer even better experiences in the future.

The Journey Ahead

As I embark on this new path, I am filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. I have so many ideas for my retreats. I think I am driving my husband and my close circle of friends crazy because that is all I want to talk about. I have a list of retreat ideas that will not only be catered to women entrepreneurs but to women who want to get away and rejuvenate. Right now I am working on my first two retreats. There are so many details that still need to be finalized, from choosing the retreat locations to designing the itinerary and reaching out to potential participants. It’s a lot of work, but it’s work that I am passionate about and eager to dive into. However, I can tell you that the first retreat will be hosted this October in beautiful Breckenridge, CO. This is will be an implementation business planning retreat for women entrepreneurs. I will be sharing more information later this week.

Stay tuned

I can’t wait to share more details with you as this journey unfolds. From sneak peeks of retreat locations to behind-the-scenes looks at the planning process, I want to bring you along every step of the way. Stay tuned for updates, and if you’re interested in joining one of my upcoming retreats, I invite you join the waitlist. Be the first to know and get early bird registration and specials.

As I start this new endeavor as a retreat host, I want to thank everyone that has encouraged me to move forward. Your love and support means the world to me. This is a dream come true! I honestly can’t remember the last time I was this excited (and scared) for a new project. I am committed to creating retreats that offer not only business and personal growth, but also opportunities for deep connections, relaxation and escape.

Thank you for being a part of this adventure with me—I can’t wait to see where this path leads and to welcome you to one of my retreats soon.

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