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Happy Birthday JJ! | Eugene Portrait Photographer

February 20, 2013

Filed in: Personal

I was told the odds of me having children were against me but God had a different plan for my life. He has blessed me with two amazing children. I was almost four months pregnant when I found out I was pregnant with Jeremy (JJ). I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I was to hear the good news. I didn’t want to find out if I was having a boy or girl. I love surprises and suspense. However, I knew from the beginning that he was going to be a boy. I fell in love with this little bundle of joy from the beginning. It was a new kind of love, a love that would change my life forever and would take me into journeys I didn’t know existed. As I look back over the years, I am so grateful not only for JJ’s life but also for how much he has taught me over the years!

JJ, thanks for being part of my life. I hope that the lessons you have taught me in life have helped me be a better parent and a better person. I am not perfect, I am far from it! But each day I hope I can become a better parent to you and Vanessa. I love you more than you will ever know and I am so honored to be your mom! Happy 16th Birthday!


“I love you forever

I’ll like you for always,

as long as I am living,

my baby you will be”

Robert Munsch

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comments +

  1. Ranelle Gray-Fortier says:

    Jeremy has grown up so fast! And what a handsome young man! Happy Birthday Jeremy!

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