One of my goals this year is to feature 52 Women Entrepreneurs each week on my blog and share their story and their journey to success. My hope is that as you read their stories, you are inspired to take action and follow your dreams.
The first lady on the 52 Women Entrepreneurs Series is Jen Myers. I invited you to grab a cup of coffee or tea and be inspired by her story!
I love stories. What’s your story?
My story starts 15 years ago when my husband and I started an ATV Powersports business together. The same year, I reluctantly started homeschooling our three kids who were 8, 6, and 5 (with one more surprise on the way). The first year was rough, but we made it through. We continued with the business for 7 years until we decided to sell it, and my husband took a job as a natural gas engineer. Over the next couple of years, my older three kids graduated and moved out. Then, with one kid left at home, I decided to start another business…this one for myself. I started a Facebook ads business, and I loved it! I still love it. It grew it to six figures in less than one year, however, I always knew the Facebook ads business was just a stepping stone to something else. I knew I was going to build a business that would change thousands of families. I could feel it, even if I didn’t quite know yet what it was.
During the summer of 2019, I had an idea pop into my mind while I was driving down the road: Homeschool CEO. Hmmm….it seemed so simple. Surely the name had already been taken. I checked Facebook, Instagram, did a URL search….Homeschool CEO was available everywhere. I quickly claimed the name on all the social media platforms and the website. Still, I didn’t quite know what the vision was. I thought it would be a course for homeschooling moms who wanted to start a business or maybe for homeschooling moms who had a side hustle. I wasn’t sure. So, I pitched the idea to some local homeschool moms who were also business owners. They loved it and joined my little community right away. That was July 2019. However, by September, something didn’t feel right. I didn’t know why. I loved all the moms, but something was off with the niche. I couldn’t put my finger on it. So I kind of shelved the idea.
In October 2019, my whole world changed. I attended the Entrepreneur Experience with Amy Porterfield. I had booked the conference back in April. I didn’t know anyone attending the conference, but I knew I was supposed to go. On the first day of the conference, I met a lovely young lady named Jacqueline, an intuitive energy healer from Virginia. That day, Amy spoke on playing small. In my heart, I kept hearing “Homeschool CEO…” I kept ignoring it. Truth be told, I had booked the conference in hopes of securing more Facebook ads, clients. I wasn’t really there to launch a second business. Day 2 of the conference, I still kept feeling it “Homeschool CEO.” I shared my vision with my hotel roommate and she loved it. Still, I knew something was missing. Day 3 of the conference (the last day), my friend Jacqueline came running across the room to tell me something. She had met a woman who she claimed I just had to meet. She felt so strongly that the universe meant for the woman and I to connect. I said, of course, I would meet with her. That last day, two hours before the conference ended, I met Erin. She was a fashion stylist from California. As we sat at the lunch table, she told me her story. She was an entrepreneur and her son hated going to public school. The prior week, he had said he would not go back and he begged to be homeschooled. She wanted to know how to go about getting started homeschooling. The things I took for granted because I had been perfecting them for 15 years suddenly made me an expert in the Homeschool CEO world. I shared my Homeschool CEO idea with Erin and I’ll never forget her face or her words. She said, “Jennifer, it’s not for homeschoolers who want to start a business; IT’S FOR ENTREPRENEURS WHO WANT TO HOMESCHOOL!” My mind was blown. I realized that was the missing piece. I cried during the next EE with AP session, as I realized the magic that just took place. Tears still flow now as I share my story. Each step took me one step closer to the community I building now:
A community of Homeschool CEO’s, a paid community for successful entrepreneurs who want to get started homeschooling to connect with veteran Homeschool CEO’s. We share tips and tricks on balancing business and homeschooling. We offer guidance and support. We are even in the process of developing a community for the kids. I want every entrepreneur to know that if they want to homeschool their kids, they can! They are enough!
Tell me about your business?
I have two businesses. I still have my Facebook ads business. I help health and wellness experts generate consistent high quality leads through the use of Facebook ads.
Why did you become an entrepreneur?
I became an entrepreneur so that I could provide for my family while still homeschooling my kids. I started Homeschool CEO to give business owners who want to homeschool (or already homeschool) a place to connect with like-minded families.
Who is your ideal client?
For the Facebook ads business: Health and wellness experts that have an online course or membership.
Homeschool CEO: Moms ages 25-50 who run successful businesses and want to learn how to homeschool.
As an entrepreneur, we face a lot of challenges, what has been your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge was taking a step when I didn’t really know where it was leading. I signed up for Entrepreneur Experience with Amy Porterfield when I didn’t know anyone else who was going, I had never flown before (and I would have to fly from Iowa to California by myself), and I had never even taken a Lyft or Uber. I started by Facebook ads business when I didn’t post on Facebook, knew nothing about technology, and didn’t really have a clue what I was doing.
What has been your biggest accomplishment in your business?
Creating a six-figure business while still homeschooling my 15-year-old son.
What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself as an entrepreneur?
I have great instincts. Even if I don’t know why I feel like I should or shouldn’t do something, I always trust my gut.
What advice would you give someone who just started or wants to become an entrepreneur?
Share one fun fact about yourself?
I love Thai food and coffee. I don’t think I could live happily ever after without either one of them.
What’s your favorite quote?
A level players don’t work for B level employers. Be who you want to attract. – James Wedmore
How can my readers connect with you?
Jen Myers Consulting
Homeschool CEO: – coming soon
To read more on the 52 Women Entrepreneurs follow these links:
Online Entrepreneur – Rhonda Douglas
California Attorney – Nicole Oden
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Lydia Gillis is a photographer, educator, and Retreat host serving DEnVER, Co & Worldwide
[…] Homeschool CEO and Facebook Ads Consultant – Jen Myers […]
[…] Homeschool CEO and Facebook Ads Consultant – Jen Myers […]
[…] Homeschool CEO and Facebook Ads Consultant – Jen Myers […]
[…] Homeschool CEO and Facebook Ads Consultant – Jen Myers […]
[…] Homeschool CEO and Facebook Ads Consultant – Jen Myers […]
[…] Homeschool CEO and Facebook Ads Consultant – Jen Myers […]
[…] Homeschool CEO and Facebook Ads Consultant – Jen Myers […]
[…] Homeschool CEO and Facebook Ads Consultant – Jen Myers […]
[…] Homeschool CEO and Facebook Ads Consultant – Jen Myers […]