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How to Set Boundaries for Success

June 3, 2020

Filed in: Education

Boundaries for success

How to set boundaries for success.

If you are anything like I use to be, I feel you. When I started my business over eight years ago, I didn’t have set hours for work. I worked whenever I wanted and I actually took pride in that. However, because I didn’t have set hours, I was finding myself working all the time and a lot more hours than I needed to. Does this sound familiar?

We didn’t leave our nine to five job to work twenty-four/seven. Sometimes it sure feels like it though and we end up getting burned out, feeling overwhelmed, and working ourselves like crazy.

Setting boundaries for your business is so important not only for the success of your business but also sets expectations for your clients.

Four ways to set boundaries in your business

Set Office Hours

Setting office work hours will not only help you be more productive but it will also help you stay focused. It’s important that you communicate with your clients what your working hours are and stick to them.

Set Schedule Boundaries

This one has been a game-changer for me. You’ve heard the saying if it doesn’t get scheduled it doesn’t happen. I like to plan out my week and plan strategically. For example, Monday is an office day so I don’t schedule meetings or photoshoots. I normally spend Mondays creating social media content and writing blog posts. Photo sessions are scheduled on Tuesdays. Wednesdays I schedule in-person sales and coaching classes. Thursday is my educational day and in-person meetings. Fridays I edit and get caught up with any office work that needs to be done before the weekend. Doing this has not only help me have a clear vison for my week but it has help my productivity.

Have non negotiables

When you say yes to something, you say no to something else. It is important to define what you’re willing to say yes and no to. For me, I don’t work on weekends, holidays, or immediate family birthdays. Thursdays I schedule at least three hours of education for myself that is non-negotiable. I also attend at least two conferences a year. It is very important that I continue to learn and grow in my business. I also schedule at least three weeks for vacation.

Make time for self care

When we don’t take care of ourselves, our business suffers. Sometimes I think we pride ourselves in just being busy as some sort of badge of honor. Give your self permission to take some time for yourself and not feel guilty about it. It is okay to take care of yourself because when you do, your productivity goes up and you become more creative which ultimately offers a better client experience.

Do you have business boundaries? If so let me know what they are.

Have a question, don’t hesitate to reach out.


LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based and Destination Wedding Photographer, Seniors and Personal Branding Photographer.

comments +

  1. Tania says:

    Such a good read! Especially the boundaries and non negotiables!

  2. Sunny says:

    Great tips!!! Thanks for sharing

  3. Ashley McKee says:

    Yes! yes & yes!! I love this post. So good to be reminded of these tips! Thank you for posting!

  4. Maria says:

    Such good tips. I set up my working hours. It helps stay organized

  5. Great advice, and so wise to prevent burnout. (I’m so guilty of not sticking to office hours!)

    • Lydia Gillis says:

      It happens to the best of us. The point is to acknowledge where we all falling short and change or habits.

  6. Donna says:

    Great advice. Especially making a schedule! And I live how you say … Saying yes to something means saying no to something else. I never thought of it that way but it’s so true!

  7. Anna D Bruce says:

    Such great tips Lydia. I am so bad at setting work boundaries and can totally relate to burn out. Thank you for sharing this <3

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