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Jordan: Professional Esthetics and Make Up Artist | Eugene Portrait and Wedding Destination Photographer

April 1, 2014

Filed in: Wedding Vendors

To continue with my series about celebrating professional wedding businesses, this week is all about Jordan, a professional esthetician and make up artist.

I met Jordan last summer and love her sweet spirit. She is not only beautiful but has a big heart for her family, life and a passion to serve her clients.

Jordan and I got together for a mini photo session and a Q&A.  Jordan didn’t need much direction when it came to her photo session.  She is a natural and knows how to work the camera.

So without any further ado, please meet Jordan!


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How many years have you been in business?  3 years!eugene, oregon and destination photographer, eugene wedding photographer, eugene portraits_0039.jpg

What do you love about your job?  I love to help people with their skin and I love meeting new people.  My favorite is  waxing eyebrows.


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eugene, oregon and destination photographer, eugene wedding photographer, eugene portraits_0041.jpg

What defines you and sets you apart from other professionals in the same industry?   I strongly feel that my gifts are my ministry.  My business is my ministry.  Therefore, I put peoples needs first and make it about them.  I really listen to each client and want to provide the best service possible.


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Do you provide consultations for brides?   Yes, I provide free consultations on location or studio.eugene, oregon and destination photographer, eugene wedding photographer, eugene portraits_0044.jpg
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Where do you work?  I work at Christine and Company as an independent contractor.eugene, oregon and destination photographer, eugene wedding photographer, eugene portraits_0046.jpg
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What is the number one question you get asked?  How do I care for my imperfections.  From bags under the eyes, to scars and blemishes.eugene, oregon and destination photographer, eugene wedding photographer, eugene portraits_0048.jpg
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What is your number one beauty advise?  Wash off your make up before you go to bed.  Even if you are too tired, do a full face wash.eugene, oregon and destination photographer, eugene wedding photographer, eugene portraits_0050.jpg
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Favorite  quote?  “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” ~ Mahatma Ghandieugene, oregon and destination photographer, eugene wedding photographer, eugene portraits_0056.jpg
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eugene, oregon and destination photographer, eugene wedding photographer, eugene portraits_0058.jpg
Some fun facts about you?  I am from Eugene.  I have been married for  ten years and have three kids.  I love coffee, cheese burgers and fries.eugene, oregon and destination photographer, eugene wedding photographer, eugene portraits_0059.jpg
eugene, oregon and destination photographer, eugene wedding photographer, eugene portraits_0060.jpgThanks for stopping by.  If you missed the previous post from this series, you can go here.

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