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My Word for 2017 – CHANGE | Eugene Photographer

January 10, 2017

Filed in: Personal

Can you believe that the first week of 2017 is already over?!  And what a week it has been!  In the  19 years that I have lived in Eugene, I have never seen an ice-snow storm this bad.  The weather has forced a lot of us to stay home and I have been taking full advantage of it.  Last week I spent most of my time planning and getting my business systems into place; I’m determined to make 2017 a great year!

One of my favorite things about a new year is selecting a new Word of the Year. I love selecting a Word of the Year over making Year’s Resolutions.  I find it more empowering.

2016 was a rough year for my family and I.  A lot happened that left me exhausted and even caused me to isolate myself from family and friends.  I was driving one day and I realized I had lost my joy.  Quietly and slowly I had allowed the cares of the world, life trials, disappointments, hurt,  and self doubt creep into my life and it had stolen my drive, my joy!

I couldn’t wait for 2016 to be over and done with.   As I sat down at the beginning of the year writing my personal and business goals as well as setting a budget. Reflecting on the past and what I wanted for my future. I also meditated on what my word for 2017 would be.  I realize I have no control of things and life situations. The trials in life are always going to be there one way or another because without trials there is no growth.

One of my love-hate bible verses, the passage the kept me together through  2016 was James 1:2-4  “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing”.

My word for this year is CHANGE. 

CHANGE…allowing God to transform me by the renewing of my mind.  Embracing and accepting the challenges in life even when they are difficult.  Kneeling down to him and surrendering to him with a teachable spirit eager to be CHANGED!

I can not CHANGE circumstances but I can CHANGE my attitude, my perspective, how I view and respond to things. Focus more on the positive and not dwell on the negative.  Be thankful for the little blessings and not bitter for the hurt in my life.

CHANGE myself doubt to self worth…because I am worth it and I can!  I have goals and plans for my family and my business and this year doubt will not win. CHANGE is going to happen!

CHANGE some of the bad habits I have and work on productivity.

CHANGE the way I view and feel about myself.  Learn to take care of myself.  I guess it’s time to get rid of all the sweets around the house and bring out my running shoes.

So here  is to 2017 to embracing all that God and life have for me..  CHANGE is going to be beautiful…maybe not easy, but it sure is going to be all that God has planned for me!

Woman walking on the beach, Eugene Portrait Photography

LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Eugene based and Destination Wedding Photographer. We specialize in Weddings and High School Seniors.



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