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My Word of the Year for 2024: TRANSFORMATION

January 1, 2024

Filed in: Personal

My Word of the Year for 2024: Transformation

Over the last ten years I have picked My Word of the Year. I have done it every year except last year. I came up with a number of reasons why I didn’t have a word for 2023. It really boiled down to me entering 2023 mentally exhausted. As I was reflecting on last year and what I wanted for 2024, I made a list of words that resonated with me. Grounded, Transformation, and Breakthrough. I have been pondering these three words for the last three months or so. However, as I was journaling yesterday (December 31st), I decided to do a google search on these three words as well as research some bible scriptures. 

My word for 2024 is TRANSFORMATION.

Google describes the meaning of Human transformation as an internal shift that brings us in alignment with our highest potential. It is at the heart of every major aspect of our lives. It affects how we see and relate to the world, and how we understand our place in it.

A bible verse that spoke to me as I was doing my research is Romans 12:1-2

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. 

If I can be vulnerable, 2023 showed me that I am still carrying a lot of hurt. My insecurities and doubts occupied a lot of brain space. Depression was my constant companions. Overall I am a healthy person but can definitely improve with my fitness. I don’t know if the extra pounds I am carrying has to do with my depression, going through menopause or both. Either way, I don’t necessarily mind the number on the scale but I do know I need to be more active and tone my body. I am strong in my faith but struggled last year with living a purposeful life. I am not sure if my struggle is living a purposeful life or knowing I am living a purposeful life. It’s something I questioned a lot. Am I living to my potential? Am I making a difference? What do I want my legacy to look like? How do I want to be remembered? I feel like there is a lot of noise in my head and not enough action. 

I didn’t meet my business goals last year. Partially because I started my year in a rut and just when I felt I was having a breakthrough, some unforeseen family events happened that required my attention. I am really ok with it though. It’s more important to be present with my family and help out anyway I can.  I am in Arizona rigth now with family as I write this post.

I should mention that 2023 was not all gloomy. Curt and I were able to travel to England and Scotland. Did a lot of short road trips around Colorado, attended concerts, and sports events. Family and friends came to visit from out of state. I joined a local network group and met some wonderful people that I now call friends. I attended my first workshop/retreat since the pandemic and started some new business projects.

Why did I choose “Transformation”?

Transformation is what I desire and need right now in my life. A transformation by the renewing of my mind. I see transformation as the root for not only my well being but also for my success. Transformation involves dismantling and disrupting limited beliefs. It starts by having an honest conversation with myself and owning my reality. This can be scary but so liberating at the same time. 

I am entering 2024 with the knowledge that I have a lot in me to offer the world. I am not done. If anything I feel I am just beginning. My purpose and my potential is so much greater than my limited beliefs and fears. Setting boundaries and loving some people from afar is not a bad thing. Taking care of myself first should always be a priority. Justifying my actions to others is not needed. Do more of the things I love without being apologetic. Be more creative. Dream BIG!

In 2024 I want to fail big and make lots of mistakes. Making mistakes means that I am taking risks, I am getting out of my comfort zone, I am stepping into the unknown, I am pushing myself, I am living, I am exploring, I am growing. Most importantly I want my transformation to be aligned with the person God created me to be. I want to trust him more and be at peace with myself know that I am living a purposeful life. A life that is making a difference.

Cheers to 2024, to doing the work and being transformed.

What is your word-of-the-Year for 2024?

My Word of the Year for 2024: Transformation | Lydia Gillis Photography

LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based and Destination Wedding Photographer, Seniors and Personal Branding Photographer.

To book your free Personal Branding Photography photo session click here.


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