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6 Ways to Use Your Personal Branding Photos On Social Media

February 16, 2024

Today I want to share with you 6 Ways to Use Your Personal Branding Photos on Social Media. As entrepreneurs and business owners who have personal brands, it’s extremely beneficial to invest in personal branding photography.

Building a personal brand on social media isn’t just about posting selfies and calling it a day. It’s about storytelling, connecting with your ideal client, and showcasing who you are with visuals.

That’s where I come in. As a personal brand photographer dedicated to empowering women, I’m here to share creative and impactful ways you can use your social media photoshoot to create a compelling online presence.

1. Profile Photos: Make a Strong First Impression

The first thing most people look at when it comes to your social media is your profile picture. You’ll want to go for a professional, crisp photo from your personal branding photoshoot that truly captures who you are and embodies your brand’s spirit.

Pick a photo where your smile lights up your face, with clothes that reflect your brand’s color palette. Make sure to have the same profile picture across all platforms (Instagram, Tiktok Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) This way, people will easily recognize you.

2. Educational Posts: Share Your Expertise

Personal branding is all about establishing yourself as an authority in your field. You can use your new personal branding photos in your educational content. Whether it’s tips related to your industry, hot takes, or how-to guides, pairing your insights with a professional image helps reinforce your message.

It’s not just about what you’re teaching; it’s also about who’s teaching it. Your photos add a personal touch to your expertise, making your advice more memorable and noteworthy.

 Master Level Trainer and Certified Fascianator Method Practitioner Branding Photo Session

3. Podcast Cover Art: Stop Their Scroll

Have a podcast or thinking about starting one this year? Use your personal branding photos to create your podcast cover. Your podcast isn’t just another channel; it’s a personal invite to your community to dive deep into what you’re all about.

That’s why the cover art is super important — it’s the first thing new listeners see, and you want to make sure it grabs their attention and tells them, “Hey, this is going to be amazing!”

Pick a photo from your branding shoot that screams ‘you’ and gives a sneak peek into the vibe of your podcast. It should be something that stops people in their tracks and makes them think, “I need to listen to this.” Then, add your podcast’s name in big, bold letters that are easy to read at a glance.

You want everyone to remember your podcast’s name, whether they’re scrolling through Spotify on their phone or browsing iTunes on their computer.

4. Milestone Celebrations: Sharing the Highs and Thank You’s

Using your personal branding photos to celebrate big moments on social media is like throwing a virtual party where everyone’s invited to share in your happiness.

It’s about pausing to highlight those big wins — like the anniversary of launching your brand, wrapping up a major project, or celebrating a win. These celebrations are your chance to take a step back, look at how far you’ve come, and give a big shoutout to everyone who’s been cheering you on.

Pick photos from your branding shoot that scream celebration and accomplishment. You want images that show off your biggest smile, maybe you’re holding your products proudly, or there’s a candid shot of your team in action. Pair these pics with stories about what these milestones mean to you, the hurdles you’ve faced, and the valuable lessons you’ve picked up on the way.

Sharing these moments does more than just give your brand a personal touch—it tightens the bond with your followers by letting them in on your journey of growth and triumph.

5. Product or Service Showcase: Highlighting What You Offer

Using your personal branding photos to spotlight your products or services on social media is a good business move. It’s more than just showing what’s for sale; it’s about including the narrative that each product or service carries.

Use shots from your brand photoshoot to offer your ideal clients and customers a visual view of your offerings, all while infusing the essence and personality of your personal brand.

For example, depending on your business, you can have in-action glimpses of your services, demonstrations of what you’re offering, or beautiful product layouts.

Doing this not only puts a spotlight on your offerings but also strengthens your bond with your audience by adding depth and character to your business.

6. Promotions and Offers: Sweet Deals Alert

Who doesn’t love a good deal? Use your personal branding photos to highlight promotions and special offers that your followers can’t resist.

Whether it’s a discount on your latest product, a limited-time offer for your services, or an exclusive bundle, visually appealing posts can grab attention and drive action.

Let your personal branding photographer know that you want photos that go with your offers. That way, they can get photos of you holding your product, using your service, or simply a happy, satisfied look on your face.

Creating Your Brand Story with Personal Branding Photography

Personal branding goes beyond much more than “just pretty pictures”. It’s about telling your story, showcasing who you are, and connecting with your ideal clients in a way that speaks to them.

As a photographer who specializes in personal branding, my mission is to help you capture photos that showcase your brand story. These images should showcase your personality, values, and what makes you different from others in your industry.

From profile pictures to social media content, every picture is an opportunity to connect, inspire, and grow your personal brand on social media.

Ready to elevate your online presence with personal branding photography that tells your story? Let’s chat and team up!

LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based and Destination Seniors and Personal Branding Photographer.


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