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Personal Brand Photo Session in Denver With Realtors Cecilia and Diane

March 9, 2023

Filed in: Personal Brand

When Cecilia and I started discussing the possibility of using a model home for her personal brand photo session in Denver with her realtor partner Diane, we didn’t know if this would be possible. However, thanks to Cecilia’s connections, she was able to secure this beautiful home for their personal brand photo session. Shout out to Lennar Homes for being so kind and allowing us to use one of their model homes.

I love photographing this power duo. These two are a big deal and it is my honor to featured Cecilia and Diane on my blog today. So cozy up and get to know my friends.

Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to find out how you can get a free drink from them! (you’re welcome!)

Diane and Cecilia | Denver Realtors

I love stories. What’s your story?

Originally from Brazil, I never thought I’d be living in a place that isn’t 10 steps from the beach, but here I am, 15 years later living in snowy Colorado! I went to school for Interior Design and have transitioned to Real Estate to follow my passion of building relationships and committing to assisting my clients reach their real estate goals. In my free time, you can find me enjoying the company of my friends and family while exploring the great outdoors and indulging in the food scene Denver has to offer!

Having lived in Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado, I’m a western girl at heart! I moved to
Colorado in 1997 and I have no intention of ever leaving. I’m multi-passionate and
loving learning new things-this has led to jobs at a veterinary hospital, a summer stint
as a wildland firefighter, living in the Netherlands for a year, and the wild assortment of
podcasts that I listen to-everything from True Crime to Economics. I worked in the
design industry for 10 years prior to becoming a realtor, and I still love design, problem
solving, gardens and outdoor spaces as well as real estate, architecture and interiors.

Denver Realtor Personal Branding Photo Session | Lydia Gillis Photography

Tell me about your business?

I have been in the real estate business for almost 2 years. As I was finding my place in the industry, it gave me time to form great relationships with clients and colleagues, I was lucky to meet Diane Hiley! Diane and I have partnered up to create a collaborative environment to give the best for our clients, two realtors is better than one, right? We are ecstatic to give our clients the best service as we utilize our passion for real estate and our our interior design and landscape architect backgrounds.

I have been a Realtor since 2014 with an extreme focus on over delivering on client service and helping my clients find THE home that will not only needs their specific needs, but create a great lifestyle and build real wealth as well.

Denver Realtors Personal Brand Photo Session | Lydia Gillis Photographer

Why did you become an entrepreneur?

We’re interested in so many things! We love problems solving, wearing lots of hats, and having variety in our days. We also love the ability/freedom to solve those problems in the best way that we see fit, without having to seek permission or the “authority” to do so. We also love the way it grows and challenges us personally in ways that a traditional 9-5 doesn’t.

Who is your ideal client?

We love working with all kinds of people. Real Estate can be overwhelming, but we believe there is something for everyone!

Denver Realtors Personal Brand Photo Session | Lydia Gillis Photographer

As an entrepreneur we face a lot of challenges, what has been your biggest challenge?

My biggest struggle is time! There’s too much to do and never enough time.

I struggle with systems! And not getting distracted. And keeping an abundance mindset
when things get tough.

What has been you biggest accomplishment in your business?

Being able to utilize my skills and knowledge from my previous career to bring value to my business.

I have consistent repeat business which tells me that my clients feel well-served and that they trust me, and that means the world to me.

Denver Personal Brand Photographer| Lydia Gillis Photographer

What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself as an entrepreneur?

I don’t give up easily.

I have a lot of grit and determination.

Share one fun fact about yourself?

I have a large family! Counting step-siblings, there are 8 of us!

What’s your favorite mantra or quote?

Everything happens for a reason.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Lydia Gillis Photographer

What are your favorite things to do on the weekends?

Skiing, trying out new restaurant, seeing friends and family.
Spending time with friends, making great meals, Running, skiing, cycling, home projects, and gardening.

How can my readers connect with you?

Instagram: propertiesbycecilia
Instagram: DianeHileyCO

I love doing personal brand photo sessions. 

Are you looking to book your Personal Brand Photo Session in Colorado? Or ANY location (yes, this girl loves to travel), then send me a message for a freee consultation.

LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based Personal Branding Photographer, Wedding and Senior as well as educator. Available to travel worldwide. 

To view more personal brand photos:

Master Level Trainer and Certified Fascianator Method Practitioner | Jennifer

Colorado Real Estate Broker Pesonal Brand Photo Session

Denver Personal Brand Photos | Natalie with Beer Feelings

Writer and Soul Gardener | Sharon 

Freelance Graphic Designer | Andrea

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