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Denver Photo Collective

April 28, 2023

Filed in: Personal Brand

Today on the blog is the talented Becky from Denver Photo Collective. The Denver Photo Collective is a natural light photography studio located in Denver, Colorado available for hourly bookings and monthly memberships.

I love stories. What’s your story?

We moved to Colorado about 7 years ago and had no idea where our careers would end up when we arrived. A few years later we inquired about a studio for sale, Denver Photo Collective! We jumped at the chance to have our own company, and now 3 years in we have built a wonderful brand, business and community. Bonus, we had 2 kids along the way, and I just love that they get to be a part oft this journey!

Tell me about your business?

Denver Photo Collective, originally was an hourly studio rental. It has now turned into SO much more than that. Community, co-working, collaborations and some of the most magic we’ve ever felt. DPC is designed to be an inclusive place for creatives where they can work and play, build their businesses and meet other’s in the industry. We all grow together here.

Why did you become an entrepreneur?

I always knew I would own my own business. For many years I managed other multi-million dollar companies and teams, yet I wasn’t making the income I felt I deserved. Owning a business has allowed me to use all the tools I learned along the way, curate happy teams and spend more time with my family while I make a substantially higher income. I LOVE it!!

Who is your ideal client?

Moms, women, creatives. People who want to be a part of a community and are juggling a lot of things. I love to help women find more time to be with their family and expand their businesses.

As an entrepreneur we face a lot of challenges, what has been your biggest challenge?

I’ll be honest, I am a people pleaser! I am inclusive! But sometimes that makes it hard for me to make bigger business decisions about what is ‘best for the studio’. While working with some people may not have been a great business move, I am however grateful I am able to give people opportunities.

What has been you biggest accomplishment in your business?

Studio Prep School!! Now that I have accomplished my financial goals and work/life balance as a studio owner, I am excited to teach others how to do the same thing in this industry. We are already halfway full for our retreat in August, we plan to change some lives. Becoming a studio owner was the best thing I could do for my family, my creativity and my career. I feel so lucky to be able to help others do the same.

What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself as an entrepreneur?

I was right’. For many years I was met with doubts about becoming an entrepreneur. Other’s doubted me especially, and I was met with a lot of negative feedback. ‘You may not make it’, ‘do you know what you’re doing?’ and all the ‘what if’s. I knew deep down I COULD do it, and I am SO glad I listened to me, and not anyone else.

Share one fun fact about yourself?

Once time I drove a Lamborghini around New Orleans with a police escort. We literally shut down highways to get presents to kids for Toy’s for Tot’s. It was the only time I ever felt like the president of the united states hahaha.

What’s your favorite mantra or quote?

‘If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs’.

What are your favorite things to do on the weekends?

I love to be outside with my kids! Eat delicious meals that my husband makes us and even, GO TO WORK! I love my family & I love my career.

How can my readers connect with you?

Anything else you want to share with my audience?

Today, ask your self what you are doing for YOU. Is it a pedicure? A shower? Becoming your own boss? Life’s too short to wait for everything to come to you.

Any upcoming promotions or special events coming up in your business that you would like our readers to know?

Denver Photo Collective is hosting a virtual class “Memberships Class for Studio Owners”. This class was curated to show you how to level up your studio business with a fully working membership program. The class is scheduled for May 23rd from 5:30 PM-7:30 PM. You can find more information here.

I love doing personal brand photo sessions. 

Are you looking to book your Personal Brand Photo Session in Colorado? Or ANY location (yes, this girl loves to travel), then send me a message for a freee consultation.

LYDIA GILLIS PHOTOGRAPHY is Denver based Personal Branding Photographer, Wedding and Senior as well as educator. Available to travel worldwide. 

To view more personal brand photos:

Master Level Trainer and Certified Fascianator Method Practitioner | Jennifer 

Colorado Real Estate Broker Pesonal Brand Photo Session

Denver Personal Brand Photos | Natalie with Beer Feelings

Writer and Soul Gardener | Sharon 

Freelance Graphic Designer | Andrea

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